Need Translation of My US Driver’s License to French in the UK?

If you are in the UK and need your US driver’s license translated into French, then you have come to the right place. Whether you will be driving in France, renting a car, or relocating to a French-speaking country, getting your license translated will save you from loads of hassle. In this simple guide, we take you through all the steps in translating your US driver’s license into French.

Why do you have to translate your US driver’s license?

Here are a few reasons you will need to translate your US driver’s license into French:

Driving in France or other French-speaking countries: If you are going to stay in a French-speaking country for more than a few months, then you just might have to get a translation of your US driver’s license. This will be for certain local police and authorities to understand your license.

Car Rentals: Most car rental agencies in Europe may well insist on an official translation of your license if it is not in the host country’s language.

Work/Residency: In the event that you have to move to France or any other French-speaking country to work or reside, you may well need a translated license to apply for a local license.

Legal Purposes: In case you find yourself involved in a traffic stop or accident, a license translation will ease the work of the authorities in understanding your driving qualifications.

How to Get Your US Driver’s License Translated to French

Step 1: Find a Professional Translation Service

First of all, you should seek a certified translation service. It is pretty crucial that your translation is handled by a professional, as the French authorities will never take translations from anything except for certified or sworn translators.

Here are some tips to get you there:

Certified Translators: The translator you apply for should be certified, meaning that he or she can provide translations that French authorities can officially acknowledge. has certified translators in the UK for all types of documents, including driving licenses.

Experience with Driver’s Licenses: Translators may not have experience with legal documents such as driver’s licenses; make sure they have experience translating these types of documents.

Cost and Speed: The cost of a driver’s license translation could be within the range of £20-£50. For speed, one could also expect to pay a higher price for fast, same-day, or 24-hour service.

Step 2: Provide Your Documents

Once you have identified a translator, you will have to provide the following:

  • A clear copy of your US driver’s license-you will mostly need to scan and email such.
  • Your full name and contact information.

The translator will then fill in this information on the translation. 

Step 3: Receive Your Translated License

Once the translation is complete, you’ll be sent a certified French translation of US driver’s license. Some companies email the soft copy while others may forward you a physical one, depending on needs.

Ensure that your translated license contains all the vital information in your original license, including:

  • First and last name
  • Date of birth
  • License number
  • Date of issue and date of expiration
  • Type of vehicle you are allowed to drive

Step 4: Certification of Translation

This translation needs to be certified to be considered valid. A certified driving license translation is when a translator provides a signed statement that indeed the translation is accurate, official, and proper in content. Some French authorities may require that you get the translation done by a sworn translator in the UK  who is a translator registered with the French courts.

Step 5: Legalization or Apostille (If Required)

In some instances, your translated license might need legalization or apostille. This further step reassures the translation as being genuine and officially approved on French soil.

Notarization: It may also be necessary to have a legal officer, such as a notary, sign the translation. Get the best notary public translation services UK at

Apostille: This is a certain certificate showing that the translation is official and can be used in foreign countries. You can obtain this from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office in the UK.

Step 6: Using Your Translated License

Now that you have your translated US driver’s license in your hands, you can use it for things like:

Car Rentals: Most French car rental agencies may also request a U.S. license, along with the translation in French.

Legally Driving: In case of a police stop or for whatever other reason one may be asked for a license, this translation will help explain the documents to the police.

How to Apply for a French Driver’s License: In case you are going to stay in France for more than one year, you will be required to replace your US license with the French one. It will include translation in this process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Translating Your US Driver’s License to French

Q.1: Am I allowed to drive using my US driver’s license without translation?

Ans. Take, for example brief stays, some countries will accept your US driver’s license without necessarily asking for a translation. In case you have to stay longer or when legal issues crop up, an official translation into French is usually asked for.

Q.2: Will translation be necessary, having an International Driving Permit?

Ans. An IDP is a document translating your license into several languages. However, in instances requiring a long-term stay or in cases of legal issues, you may still be in need of a certified French translation.

Q.3: How long does it take to translate a license?

Ans. Most translation services take an average of 2-3 days, although some manage to offer their clients an express translation service in the shortest time-one calendar day.

Q.4: How much does a translation cost?

Ans. A translation of this type is generally done at a price range of £20 to £50. The cost may rise in those cases when you need such a translation urgently.

Q.5: Can I translate the license myself?

Ans. No, you have to do the translation through a sworn translator to make it acceptable to the French authorities.

Q.6: Wanting to get translated into French, in sense acceptable by every legal process or system in place in France?

Ans. Yes, if translated into French by any sworn or certified translator, then the US driver’s license will be acceptable by French authorities.

What Happens After the Translation?

Once your license is translated, you can use it in French-speaking countries for driving. If you plan on staying in France for over a year, you may be required to exchange your US license for a French one. They may ask you to:

  • Present your translated US license and other related documents.
  • Submit application forms and payment of the fee.
  • Undergo a written and practical driving test, if this is deemed necessary.


It would actually be quite easy in the UK to translate your US driver’s license to French; you just need to go through the proper procedure. Have a translator who is considered legal, and make it clear whether you need further legalization, such as an apostille or notarization. And then, with your license already translated, you can drive through France or any other French-speaking country without any hustle!

Just follow this simple guide so that you make sure you are able to drive legally, rent cars with no issues, and also handle any legal situation regarding your license.